Common CBD Myths, removing the stigma.

Let me start by explaining what Cannabinoids are. You’ll see this word often during this read. Cannabinoids are a group of closely related compounds found in Cannabis/Hemp. The most common you may have heard of are CBD (Cannabidiol) , CBG (Cannabigerol) & THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) however there are over 100 other minor Cannabinoids in Hemp. The rules surrounding THC are constantly being discussed, reviewed & changed however THC is a controlled substance and if a drugs test is required due to work, sports or being asked to provide one by the police the THC, more often than not will show on these tests. We are working hard to remove the stigma surrounding CBD and for this to happen CBD needs to fit in with daily life, worrying about work, sports or driving whilst taking CBD does not help this, due to this all Nature’s Medic CBD’s product are THC Free.

❌CBD is Illegal✅CBD must be produced by EU certified manufacturers under strict laws and guidelines, this is Legal to buy, sell and use in the UK & EU

❌Too Expensive✅CBD doesn’t need to be expensive, there are sellers who overcharge however there’s no need, we believe CBD should be affordable and sustainable long term and we will never overcharge, we have a range to suit every budget.

❌Low price = Low Quality✅Low prices do not have to mean low quality, there are companies who sell low quality products, our products are not mass produced, we manufacture them ourselves in our GMP facility and each small batch is hand made using the finest quality ingredients meaning we can guarantee the quality of each and every item.

❌I don’t want to get high✅CBD manufactured to EU GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) must be extracted from Hemp that contains less than 0.2% THC and each CBD product must contain less than 1g of THC per container regardless of the container size, On average you need 3g of THC to start to feel high, given that legal CBD product contain less than 1mg and most contain Zero THC, High is something you will never feel. Many companies advertise the 0.2% limit but are not aware of the 1mg container limit. Be sure to check this prior to purchase. Psychoactive’s are what give you highs and lows, paranoia & the need to eat, in Legal CBD the psychoactive’s are either zero (product depending)or so low that they cannot give these effects, all the good stuff, none of the bad????

❌I need Substance Screening✅If substance testing is required due to your job, sports, activities or any other reason choose a Broad Spectrum or pure CBD/CBG product, your result will be zero.

❌It’s a drug✅Marijuana is a drug, Hemp grown for CBD use is produced in a different way to Marijuana, under strict guidelines only EU certified growers can produce this, they ensure the THC in the Hemp is lower than 0.2% and have strict rules to follow, CBD is not a drug, it’s been used by our ancestors for medical use for thousands of years and while due to its class medical claims cannot be made we believe it’s losing the stigma it’s been given by Marijuana being used as a recreational drug, making its name and emerging as an incredible natural alternative to modern condition management.

❌It’s synthetic, not natural✅Cannabis is a natural plant, we have a whole biological system called Endocannabinoid which is dedicated to working in harmony with CBD, this system is in effect dormant until we give it CBD and wake it up, we have CB receptors all over our body including in our brain and central nervous system, different products activate different receptors which is why most people find a combination of products benefit them in different ways. Edible products and topical products all have different benefits & uses, edibles activate receptors all over the body while topical give targeted benefits where used.

❌ Full Spectrum is the best.✅Spectrum refers to the range of Cannabinoids in the product. Full Spectrum contains a Full range of Cannabinoids including the controlled THC & CBN, Broad Spectrum contains a Full range excluding THC & CBN. This is the only difference. Given the legal limits mentioned above (1mg per container) the THC in Full Spectrum is present in such a low level that it makes little difference to the product (apart from showing up on drug testing etc). You may have heard of The ‘Entourage’ effect which is widely talked about and falsely advertised as only being effective from Full Spectrum proudcts. The Entourage effect simply means all Cannabinoids are working together. Broad Spectrum product benefit from the Entourage Effect too! In addition to this you may also have seen Isolated products on the market. Again Isolated product have also gained a reputation of being cheap to produce and not effective and again this simply isn’t true. Isolated product have many benefits, the CBD is highly concentrated, great for people who find that CBD as the only Cannabinoid is most effective for them. Some people are sensitive to other Cannabinoids so find taking an isolated product perfect and some people use CBD isolated products as a top up or boost to their Broad Spectrum product. All CBD products can be produced cheaply from low quality ingredients/contain no CBD or be poor quality regardless of their ‘Spectrum’ status and It’s unfair that Isolated product have been given this reputation.

❌It doesn’t work for me.✅It’s true, CBD doesn’t work for everyone however this number is very low (less than 1), if you’ve tried CBD and haven’t felt the benefits you expect there can be many reasons, low quality, wrong product for you, too weak, too strong, going straight in with the strongest product can overload your dormant endocannabinoid system which can either have no effect, waste what it doesn’t need (effectively money down the loo) or even worse it can have the opposite effect and enhance the very symptoms you are trying to alleviate.

Finding your harmony with CBD is trial and error and varies per person. So many people come to us and advise that CBD hasn’t worked for them then show us the ridiculously expensive, high strength, low quality products they’ve tried (eyeroll )

We can help with the correct way to introduce CBD, build up to the dose that works for you and also to find the most cost effective way of taking that dose. On average we expect our 30ml bottles to last 2 months, If they aren’t we will work with you to find the product that does. If CBD is something you would like to try please contact us, we are more than happy to help????